Hi everybody!

Hi! This is our blog, it isn't finished yet, but we're working on it! We are Cindy, Nina, Joris and Willemijn. We're 4 dutch students from the Netherlands (St. Odulphuslyceum, Tilburg), and we're just learning how to make a blog!

dinsdag 19 oktober 2010

About our school

In our second blogmessage, we're going to tell you something about our school, and what we, and our parents, think about it.

This is our school. ---->
Here can you see the schoolyard and the cafetaria (the building with much windows) Under the grand tree we sit in the summer when the sun shines. 

Our school starts at 8.30 am and the last hour is till 16.50 pm, but that´s not often. The most students go to school till 14.20 or 15.10 pm. It is quite a big school, because there are 1500 students.

Our school goes from class 1 to 6. When you got to the first class, you're +- 12 years old. The timetables in the forth class are different for every student, because when you go to the forth class you have to choose the subjects in which you are going to do your examination in the sixth class. There are two directions: the nature/technical side and the economic/society side. We've all choosen for the nature-technical side, but Cindy and Nina still follow economics, because you also have to follow a subject of your own free choice.
The frequency of homework is always different. The teachers can give homework, but they do´nt do that always.

This is Willemijn's Timetable, It isn't a large picture but I hope you can see it. We can see our timetables at a website named 'Magister'. It's very clever system, because you can see also your homework in it. 

 Sometimes we have a test, and every few months, there's a testweek. In a testweek, you go to school to make one or two quite important tests, and after that, you can go home, and study for the next day, or do something else.
What we like about our school, is definitely the atmosphere. There are a lot of nice people, and even some nice teachers. An other good point is the beautiful building we have, but it is a bad point that it actually is too small for 1500 students and about 150 teachers. However, the worst point is absolutely the timetable, it's horrible. That's why some of us (Nina did) have striked last thursday. It means that we didn't go to class, but with about 300 students, we went walking through the centre of Tilburg. It was a lot of fun, but the teachers weren't so happy. Maybe we can place a movie made by Nina's phone in our next blog... 

Our parents think that school now, is at some points better than it was some years ago. They think it is good that we work with computers, that we've got a lot of choices, and that there are a few different levels, so you do not have to follow lessons which are too easy or too difficult for you. They also think it is better that school is less strict. There are also things which were better in the past, they think. For example, we're doing much more subjects now, which means we can learn less things of each subject.
Our parents are sure their school and their studie was useful for them. Without school, they would not have had a job now, and they would not understand what's going on in the world.

Let us know what you think about our school, and our blogmessage!


6 opmerkingen:

  1. You have a very nice blog and a great background.(;

  2. Hey :)
    We agree so much with you. the atmosphere has a big meaning about how you feel about the school, and if you are willing to do a good job :)
    peace out, XOXO

  3. Hey! one thing!

    You have to change the idiom of the blog and change the timetable because we don't understand anything. So, please, change it.

  4. Hello ^^

    You're have a wery interesting blog ;]
    It was nice to read aboute you and your school ;)

    I'm jeaolus because my lesson starts at 7.30 every day... ;/

    And i would also say that the pic. with timetable is a little bit too small.. ;P (or maybe I'm blind xP )

    Warm grettings from Poland ;*

  5. Hello everybody,

    I am Joris, A member of this group.
    If you click on the timetable you get a bigger picture!
    Hope i helped you enough!

    Greetings Joris

  6. Hello!
    It was interesting to learn more about your school and the education there in Netherlands. Here in Portugal it's really different. If we don't have free evening (which just happens one or two times a week) we use to have lessons until 4:40pm, 5:40pm or 6:25pm, and it's not very nice :/

    You have a very nice school!
    Greetings from Portugal :)
