Hi everybody!

Hi! This is our blog, it isn't finished yet, but we're working on it! We are Cindy, Nina, Joris and Willemijn. We're 4 dutch students from the Netherlands (St. Odulphuslyceum, Tilburg), and we're just learning how to make a blog!

vrijdag 11 februari 2011

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Hey there!
    We saw your video and we enjoyed to see you practicing hockey! Its a shame we don't practice it here...it's really funny! Here we play football, handball (Rita and Aurea), atletism (Pedro), ballroom dancing (Dora), swimming pool, gymnastic, between others.
    Kisses from Portugal!

  2. Hye fellow vagabs! Portugal's Group Two reporting here!

    Hockey is fascinatting, like a very fast moving game (much like Quidditch! haha! Catarina is a Happy Potter addcited ;) ) We don't have hockey here but we have golf, volleyball, tennis, handball, soccer, gymnastics and so on. We bet it gets cold in there uring winter/spring!
    How about your dance classes? Do you train any specific dance? Jose form our group dances the "fandango" which is a typical dance from our area. You can check it in our blog if you want!
    Joris , can we considerer you a sialing expert?? You'll have to takes us sailing once we go to The Netherlands, haha, we are just kidding!

    Great movie!

    Kisses from us!

  3. Hi

    I see that most of the kids in the netherlands do a kind of sport.
    In Germany not everybody do sport so you are very sporty.

    You did a good job.

  4. Portugal:

    Well, the two dancers you saw in our movie practice jazz dancing.
    It is not very very cold in winter/ spring but about 5 degrees, so for you it will be very cold!
    No i am not realy an sailing expert, I like sailing very much and i practiced it at a sailing camp (which was very cool) and on the boat of my uncle. haha, i would love to teach you sailing but i dont think we will have any time to sail.
    it'll also be very cold in november to go sailing.
    Well, I would be very glad if you all come to our beautiful country: The Netherlands.

    Hey neighbours!
    That's a pity! No sports, i couldnt live without any sports!

    Greetings Joris, Member of group 5 from VAGAB the Netherlands

    Hope to see you in spain!

  5. Hello! We are the 4th group of Spain!

    We love your video, it's really nice!
    Your hobbies of hockey and sailing are very interesting. We don't play this sports very much.
    Here, football and voleyball are the most famous sports! As well, Núria loves voleyball, it's her favourite hobby!
    In the other side, your interview with the Willemijn grand father it's so interesting because talk about the differences between the things they used to.

    And, could you change the languague please? thank you :)
